Sunday Reflection: April 17th
Each Sunday I find myself holed up in a coffee shop, I will write a reflection on the
previous week and what is coming up ahead.
This past week was all over the place, very much like a rollercoaster. There were some high moments of joy, followed by some serious lows, and then a fair amount of evening out. Some things that come to mind are all the laughs I had this week with coworkers about silly things. One fun moment is when we discovered the old middle school mascot hat in the spare classroom; we had some fun claiming there were "birds" loose in the building. Another joyful moment was the progress all of my classes made this week. I feel like I am in solid position leading up to the state tests, and more importantly, I feel as though my students are really grasping the concepts they are being presented. It has been a good flow.
I hesitate calling the meeting with the student negative, because a lot of great things have come from it. For me personally I have grown in the sense of watching how my peer interacted so gracefully with the student while I went about it like my old high-school football coach (i.e. not in a good way). The student is doing much better and I feel like that relationship between them and I will be strong for the rest of the year; I have high hopes.
It is easy to get so wrapped up in what you are doing in your world that sometimes you have blinders on to everything else around you. Looking back there were a lot of moments where people needed my attention for something, and I brushed it off. I cannot be so dismissive when others are seeking me for an opinion, attention, or just conversation. My hope is that I put those blinders aside this week and make a stronger effort to listen to my surroundings, and more importantly, the people I interact with daily.
One of my classes will be completely done with the curriculum this week! This will give me a boat-load of time to get them ready for their exams and to help them pass with high marks. One of my classes is on point and should have at least two weeks to get ready; my other geometry class will definitely finish the curriculum but review time will be limited. Review is so crucial for these exams, but I do not want to sacrifice the learning of concepts for it. I am nowhere near worried about it, and do not think I should be, so I feel comfortable moving the boat forward even with some of the little ice caps I see in the ocean....
This week is the SOL Academy. This means that on top of my normal day of teaching, I also have to go to a different high school and teach an additional two hours, helping remediate students for their Algebra I exams. It truly is an eight-hour crash course on Algebra and some students come out of it with major success, but it is really taxing on everyone involved. One thing I am looking forward to though is a major tweak that was made for attendance purposes; without going into too much detail, it has all the potential to make a huge impact on teaching time at the academy and at the same time reduce behavioral issues. I remain steadfast optimistic and excited in using it
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