Sunday Reflection: April 17th
Each Sunday I find myself holed up in a coffee shop, I will write a reflection on the previous week and what is coming up ahead. LOOK BACK This past week was all over the place, very much like a rollercoaster. There were some high moments of joy, followed by some serious lows, and then a fair amount of evening out. Some things that come to mind are all the laughs I had this week with coworkers about silly things. One fun moment is when we discovered the old middle school mascot hat in the spare classroom; we had some fun claiming there were "birds" loose in the building. Another joyful moment was the progress all of my classes made this week. I feel like I am in solid position leading up to the state tests, and more importantly, I feel as though my students are really grasping the concepts they are being presented. It has been a good flow. I hesitate calling the meeting with the student negative, because a lot of great things ha...